Strawberry Full Moon

Strawberry Full Moon

Tonight I will celebrate this years Strawberry Full Moon. If like me you haven’t had a chance to celebrate it yet, you’ve still got plenty of time tonight or tomorrow night. 

So a little Strawberry Full Moon lesson. This full moon embodies the spirit of Litha- the summer solstice celebration and the longest day of the year. As we make this transition into summer, our minds, bodies and souls are beginning to feel energised by the energy of the sun (and hasn’t it been beautiful recently), and all that is bursting to life around us. Gardens are flourishing with what spring gave us, the trees are blooming with green, fruit is beginning to grow, ready to ripen, and the little cute babies that were bring in spring are finally coming out into the world. We are spending more time outdoors, connecting to nature. 

This full moon reminds us to use all of this energy for our intentions and projects that we are working on. If you are feeling a little over whelmed with the busyness that is your day to day life, then take some time for yourself. Self-love is a wonderful thing. You just have to make sure you act on it. It’s also a good time for relationships, nurture and tend to them just like you would your garden. We also need to practice patience and mindfulness. Meditation can work wonders, especially under the full moon. 

Crystals for this full moon

Smoky Quartz - Grounding, calmness. 
Clear Quartz - Clearing the mind, amplifying. 
Moonstone - Lunar Energy, Feminine Energy & new beginnings. 
Moss Agate - Connecting to Mother Nature- the Earth, plants. 
Rose Quartz - Love, self-love, friendship. 

How to Celebrate 

Obviously you can find your own ways to celebrate. These are just ways I have chosen to celebrate this Strawberry New Moon. 

Pick flowers from your garden - I chosen to pick some sage, lavender and rosemary so I can wrap it into a smudge stick. 

Eat strawberries - This one just makes sense! 

Meditation/Grounding - I will do this tonight once the moons can be seen and combine both practices together with the above crystals. 

Moon water - This can be done every month, not just tonight. 

Journaling - Set those intentions we were talking about earlier. Sit quietly with your thoughts and focus on your plans ahead. 

I hoped this has helped give you a few ideas that are quick and easy to put together for tonight’s full moon. 


Let me know what plans you have!

Sending Lunar Love ♥️

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