New Moon in Aquarius

New Moon in Aquarius

The Dark Moon has faded and we now move into the New Moon in Aquarius- and what a breath of fresh air this will be! During a New Moon, both the sun and the moon once again join together in the sky, their energies combining, creating a gravitational pull. This makes it the most perfect time to create and design our lives.

    It will bring the feeling of inspiration and clarity, a time to create new ideas and visions. During this time listen to that inner voice. Feel your souls true calling. What ideas are starting to grow? What are your gifts and talents and how can you offer these gifts to the world? 

    This is a fantastic time for creating those intentions and affirmations. Working on manifesting and putting things into motion. This New Moon will help you to fine tune your frequency- to understand and confirm this frequency that best represents who you are. The New Moon in Aquarius will help you find your truth and understand your frequency. Once you understand this, you can use this knowledge to learn your patterns like self limiting beliefs and negative outlooks. Things that would lower your frequency. 

    Astrology wise, during this New Moon we have nearby Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto can bring up past pain and trauma- meaning during this time unresolved issues can be brought to the surface. Although a New Moon is a very positive thing, there are always going to be things that aren’t so positive, and this is one of them. Like I’ve said before, don’t ignore these feelings. Don’t force yourself to feel happy and peppy. You don’t have to be okay with these feelings coming to the surface, or how to ‘fix’ them, but you do have to acknowledge them 

    The sun and moon also form a sextile (planets are within 60 degrees of one another) with Jupiter which heightens energy. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, reiterating that with dedication we can meet our potential. Jupiter is quite happy here- and will leaving you yearning to expand your knowledge on the world. When a sextile is formed, the planet’s energies inspire and encourage each other instead of holding one another back. 

    So what can you do do during this New Moon? We’ve already spoke of setting intentions and working on your manifestations, but that’s not all. You can; 

    • Try a candle ritual
    • Draw a ritual bath
    • Hold a New Moon circle
    • Create a vision board
    • Do/have a Tarot reading
    • Crystal meditation 

    Remember, no matter what ritual you carry out, intention is key. 

    If you try any of the above rituals, or celebrate your New Moon in another way, let me know! I’d love to hear it! 

    Sending lots of Lunar Love xxx


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