Dark Moon - January 2023

Dark Moon - January 2023

Currently, we are entering the 'Dark Moon' phase of the monthly Lunar cycle. This is the last few days of the Waning moon. When she weans down to the last gleaming slither. When she is barely visible to us.

Around this time, it is completely normal to feel emotional and exhausted. To feel tired and worn out. During this month have you been pushing yourself extra hard? with little to no self-care? Fear not, with the Dark Moon being at her lowest energy point of the month, she will too, pull you down and force you to halt, giving you the opportunity to finally catch up with yourself. To give you the time to listen to yourself. To work out what your emotions are telling you. Don't ignore this time and how you are feeling. Instead, use it to guide you into the New Moon. 

By listening to Her and yourself this is how you can work out what you need to focus on and how you can change course. It can be a really challenging time, because it's going to highlight all the things that you don't want, but in turn this is only going to help you discover what you do want. 

Take this time to retreat and take care of yourself and what you need. If you ignore these signs, then you most certainly will find the new Lunar Cycle challenging and unnecessarily exhausting. Don't ignore it, make it your time. Connect with yourself. Care for yourself. Who said self-care are only for Sunday's?! These next few days are not a time for 'doing'. It is a time to connect with yourself and your thoughts.

I want to stress that it is entirely normal to not be ‘upbeat’ all the time, especially during the Dark Moon, and this isn’t a time to force it on yourself. You need to feel raw and vulnerable. To really sit and acknowledge what isn’t right. Forcing your emotions to subside and instead be all ‘ahhh the moon cycle, let’s be cheery and happy’ will only cause you distress in the long run. Not all parts of the moon cycle will give you happy feelings, not if you follow Her correctly anyway! 

Below you will find some journal prompts to help you over the next few days.

  • What area's of your life are being highlighted this Dark Moon?
  • Are you ready to acknowledge these somewhat darker areas?
  • Which of these things can you let go of, and not take forward into the next Moon cycle?
  • What negative self-doubts can you let go of?
  • What have your learned over the past cycle?
  • How can you look after yourself?

This is an especially trying and emotional time as the Moon is currently in Scorpio, but if you focus on what you want for the cycle ahead, you'll get through it!

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